Member benefits
Practitioner directory listing on the website
Discounted registration at the AAMM conference
Discounted registration for the AAMM Certificate modules
Information about postgraduate courses and other educational activities
Networking with other practitioners at local seminars
Regular social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) and email updates regarding topical issues and upcoming events.
Access to all back copies of the Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine Journals (1985-2020)
Quarterly Member newsletters with the latest updates and opportunities
To apply for Membership
Log into the AAMM Website OR Sign up for a Website account (NEW USERS ONLY).
To Register for a NEW AAMM Website account, Click 'My Account' and provide your details under the heading 'No Account? Sign up' and Click the 'Sign Up' button.
To log into an EXISTING account - Click 'My Account' and provide your user name and password in the section provided, click the 'Sign in' button.
Click the 'Membership' Tab
Found at the top of the page.
Choose either Full Member or Retired Member,
Click the 'Pay Now' button
Put in your payment details
Click 'Pay Now'
Membership is paid annually. The Membership benefits are the same for Full Membership and Retired Membership.
Disclaimer: The association is for registered medical practitioners only and as such we do not accept allied health membership.
All membership applications are subject to approval from the board.